
Infection prevention and control means doing everything possible to prevent infection from both developing and spreading to others. The following resources are available to purchase and a selection are free to download and will assist you in preventing healthcare associated infections.

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A Care Home IPC Resource Booklet

Booklet showing some of the resources available for Care Homes. A downloadable booklet featuring: Overview of the ‘one-stop-shop’ website Community IPC Policies for Care Home settings IPC Training events IPC CQC inspection preparation Pack for Care Homes Preventing Infection Workbook:...

Type: Other

Audience: Care Homes

A Domiciliary Care IPC Resource Booklet

Booklet showing some of the resources available for Domiciliary Care. A downloadable booklet featuring: Overview of the ‘one-stop-shop’ website Community IPC Policies for Domiciliary Care IPC Training Preventing Infection Workbook: Guidance for Domiciliary Care staff My Catheter Passport Audit tools,...

Type: Other

Audience: Domiciliary Care

A General Practice IPC Resource Booklet

Booklet showing some of the resources available for General Practice. A downloadable booklet featuring: Overview of the ‘one-stop-shop’ website Community IPC Policies for General Practice IPC Training events IPC CQC inspection preparation Pack for General Practice National Standards of Healthcare...

A list of Audit Tools for General Practice

The following IPC Audit Tools for General Practice are available to download free of charge directly from our website, and the timescales for undertaking an audit are indicated in the title of each: SICPs Assurance: Annual IPC Audit Tool for...

Type: Audit Tools

Audience: GP Practices

A video on the Award Winning Workbooks

A short video on what is included in the ‘Preventing Infection Workbooks’

Action plan for the management of scabies in health and social care settings

Action plan to follow for suspected scabies in health and social care settings. Size: A4 colour poster Target: For use in Health and Social Care settings, e.g. care homes, learning disabilities, supported living Purchase: Downloadable free of charge Updated: 05/06/2023  

Actions to be taken following a sharps injury, blood splash or body fluid incident Poster

Flow chart detailing the procedure to follow following an inoculation incident. Size: A4 colour poster Target: General Practice, Care Homes, Domiciliary Care and Dental Practices Purchase: Available to purchase individually.  Please note copies of the poster are included in the...

An Introduction to the IPC Policies and Contents List for Care Home settings

30 Guidance documents that you can adopt as your own Policies

Type: Policies

Audience: Care Homes

An Introduction to the IPC Policies and Contents list for Domiciliary Care staff

NEW set of Policies, including new Policies on Antimicrobial stewardship, Isolation, Outbreaks of communicable infection, Respiratory illnesses, inclusion of information on Transmission based precautions and a change to Viral gastroenteritis advice to ‘Encourage the service user to remain at home...

Type: Policies

Audience: Domiciliary Care