
Infection prevention and control means doing everything possible to prevent infection from both developing and spreading to others. The following resources are available to purchase and a selection are free to download and will assist you in preventing healthcare associated infections.

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Domiciliary Care

Search results (1 - 10) of 89

A Domiciliary Care IPC Resource Booklet

Booklet showing some of the resources available for Domiciliary Care. A downloadable booklet featuring: Overview of the ‘one-stop-shop’ website Community IPC Policies for Domiciliary Care IPC Training Preventing Infection Workbook: Guidance for Domiciliary Care staff My Catheter Passport Audit tools,...

Type: Other

Audience: Domiciliary Care

A video on the Award Winning Workbooks

A short video on what is included in the ‘Preventing Infection Workbooks’

Actions to be taken following a sharps injury, blood splash or body fluid incident Poster

Flow chart detailing the procedure to follow following an inoculation incident. Size: A4 colour poster Target: General Practice, Care Homes, Domiciliary Care and Dental Practices Purchase: Available to purchase individually.  Please note copies of the poster are included in the...

An Introduction to the IPC Policies and Contents list for Domiciliary Care staff

NEW set of Policies, including new Policies on Antimicrobial stewardship, Isolation, Outbreaks of communicable infection, Respiratory illnesses, inclusion of information on Transmission based precautions and a change to Viral gastroenteritis advice to ‘Encourage the service user to remain at home...

Type: Policies

Audience: Domiciliary Care

Antimicrobial stewardship Policy for Domiciliary Care staff

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a significant, and growing, and a threat to public health in the UK and around the world.  AMR has been identified as one of the most pressing global challenges this century.  The World Health Organisation (WHO)...

Type: Policies

Audience: Domiciliary Care

Bare below the elbows Poster

Best practice to facilitate good hand hygiene when delivery direct care to services users is to be ‘Bare Below the Elbows’. Size: A5 colour poster Target: General Practice, Care Homes, Domiciliary Care and Dental Practices Purchase: Available to purchase individually....

BBVs (Blood-borne viruses) Policy for Domiciliary Care staff

The main blood-borne viruses (BBVs) of concern in relation to infection prevention and control in domiciliary care are: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV), which cause...

Type: Policies

Audience: Domiciliary Care

Bristol stool form scale Poster

A poster to help staff identify the 7 types of stools from service users with episodes of diarrhoea and record on forms such as the Inter-health and social care infection control transfer form. Size: A4 colour poster Target: General Practice,...

C. difficile (Clostridioides difficile) Policy for Domiciliary Care staff

Clostridioides difficile (formerly known as Clostridium difficile) is a bacteria which produces spores. Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile) spores are a dormant form of the bacteria that are resistant to air, drying and heat.  The spores can survive in the environment...

Type: Policies

Audience: Domiciliary Care

Catch it, Bin it, Kill it Poster

An NHS stop germs spreading advice poster. Size: A4 colour poster Target: For use in all health and social care settings Purchase: Downloadable free of charge  Updated: 18/03/2020