
Infection prevention and control means doing everything possible to prevent infection from both developing and spreading to others. The following resources are available to purchase and a selection are free to download and will assist you in preventing healthcare associated infections.

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Animals in a care home setting Policy for Care Home settings

The presence of pets or visiting animals may enhance the quality of life to residents.  However, disease can be acquired through contact with animals, especially if a person's immunity is reduced through age, illness or therapy. A downloadable Community Infection Prevention...

Type: Policies

Audience: Care Homes

Annual IPC statement template for General Practice

A suggested template for the Annual IPC statement. General Practices can (and should) adapt the template and add further details, but the six key headings must be included. Size: A4 Target: General Practice Purchase: Download free of charge.  Please note a...

Type: Other

Audience: GP Practices

Antimicrobial stewardship Policy for Care Home settings

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a significant, and growing, and a threat to public health in the UK and around the world.  AMR has been identified as one of the most pressing global challenges this century.  In 2019, there were 4.95...

Type: Policies

Audience: Care Homes

Antimicrobial stewardship Policy for Domiciliary Care staff

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a significant, and growing, and a threat to public health in the UK and around the world.  AMR has been identified as one of the most pressing global challenges this century.  The World Health Organisation (WHO)...

Type: Policies

Audience: Domiciliary Care

Antimicrobial stewardship Policy for General Practice

Antimicrobial stewardship Infection Prevention and Control Policy for General Practice Antimicrobial stewardship is part of the fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and this Policy describes how staff in General Practice can tackle AMR. A downloadable Community IPC Policy for General...

Are you drinking enough? Poster

A poster showing suggested normal urine colours and suggested colours when patients need to rehydrate. Size: A4 colour poster Target: For use in General Practice  (part of a suite of resources).  Please laminate and display in patient toilets areas Purchase: Downloadable...

Are you or have you been suffering from diarrhoea and/or vomiting Poster

Notice for display at entrances giving advice for those who have been suffering from diarrhoea and/or vomiting in the last 48 hours Size: A4 colour poster Target: General Practice, Care Homes and Dental Practices Purchase: Available to purchase individually.  Please note...

Aseptic technique competency Audit Tool for Dental Practice

Practitioners should be assessed for their level of competency on an annual basis. An Aseptic Technique Assessment Record to assess the competency level of practitioners. Size: A4 colour 1 page Target: For use by staff in Dental Practice Purchase: Free to...

Aseptic technique competency: Annual Assessment Tool for Care Homes

Staff undertaking aseptic techniques should be assessed annually for their level of competency using the competency assessment criteria provided on the tool, this should form part of the person’s personal development plan/appraisal.  A copy of their results should be kept...

Type: Audit Tools

Audience: Care Homes

Aseptic technique competency: Annual Assessment Tool for General Practice

Practitioners should be assessed for their level of competency on an annual basis. An Aseptic technique Assessment Tool to assess the competency level of practitioners. Size: A4 colour 2 page Target: For use by staff in General Practice Purchase: Available in...

Type: Audit Tools

Audience: GP Practices