A specimen is a sample of body fluid, e.g. urine, faeces. All specimens are a potential infection risk, therefore, all specimens must be collected using ‘Standard infection control precautions’ (SICPs). Specimens should be transported in a rigid container in accordance with the Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment (2009).
Taking routine specimens, with the exception of blood samples, should be avoided to help reduce inappropriate prescribing of antibiotic treatment. Specimens should only be taken if there are indications of a clinical infection.
A downloadable Community Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Policy which can be adopted by your organisation is available below. Alternatively, a complete set of IPC Policies for Care Home settings is available to purchase @ £89.99, including postage – details can be found on the flyer and resource order form.
Page updated: 04/05/2023
Care Home Order Form