
Infection prevention and control means doing everything possible to prevent infection from both developing and spreading to others. The following resources are available to purchase and a selection are free to download and will assist you in preventing healthcare associated infections.

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All resources (221 - 230) of 237

Viral gastroenteritis Factsheet for residents and visitors in Care Homes

A factsheet for issued to residents and visitors giving advice and information on viral gastroenteritis. A4 colour double sided factsheet Target: Care Homes Purchase: Downloadable free of charge or available to purchase individually. Page updated: 08/10/2024 Save and complete your...

Viral gastroenteritis Factsheet Information for service users and visitors in Domiciliary Care settings

A factsheet for issued to service users and visitors giving advice and information on viral gastroenteritis. A4 colour double sided factsheet Target: Domiciliary Care Purchase: Downloadable free of charge or available to purchase individually. Page updated: 04/11/2024 Save and complete...

Viral gastroenteritis outbreak guidance for Care Homes Poster

A guidance poster for use by staff in Care Homes during an outbreak of viral gastroenteritis. Size: A4 colour poster Target: Care Homes Purchase: Available to purchase individually. Please note a copy of the poster is included in the ‘Viral gastroenteritis...

Viral gastroenteritis outbreak management Pack for Care Homes

A pack to help you effectively manage an outbreak of viral gastroenteritis in your care home

Type: Other

Audience: Care Homes

Viral gastroenteritis/Norovirus Policy for Care Home settings

Viral gastroenteritis is usually caused by a virus known as Norovirus which is a non-enveloped virus only affecting people.  Norovirus was previously known as Norwalk or SRSV (small round structured virus).  Other less common causes include Rotavirus and Sapovirus. A downloadable...

Type: Policies

Audience: Care Homes

Viral gastroenteritis/Norovirus Policy for Domiciliary Care staff

Norovirus is the most common cause of viral gastroenteritis in the UK.  Many people refer to it as ‘gastric flu’ or the ‘winter vomiting bug’.  It is a highly infectious virus spreading easily from person to person. A downloadable Community Infection...

Type: Policies

Audience: Domiciliary Care

Viral gastroenteritis/Norovirus Policy for General Practice

Viral gastroenteritis/Norovirus Policy for General Practice Viral gastroenteritis is usually caused by a virus known as Norovirus which is a non-enveloped virus only affecting people.  Norovirus was previously known as Norwalk or SRSV (small round structured virus).  Other less common...

Viral gastroenteritis/Norovirus Poster for Care Homes

A Norovirus awareness poster for care homes. Size: A4 colour poster Target: For use in Health and Social Care settings, e.g. care homes Purchase: Downloadable free of charge Acknowledgement: NHS Scarborough and Ryedale CCG

Wales Workbooks Order Form

HOW TO ORDER Complete the order form and e-mail to [email protected], you will then receive an invoice with payment instructions. Alternatively, telephone us on 01423 557340 to place an order, make a debit or credit card payment, or if you...

Waste stream guide Poster for Care Home settings

A poster showing the correct waste stream. A description of the four different types of waste streams for Care Home settings. Size: A4 colour poster Target: Care Homes Purchase: Available to purchase individually.  Please note copies of the poster are included in...