We are pleased to announce the new outbreak management Pack designed for Domiciliary Care providers in supported living or a sheltered housing complex. The aim of this Pack is to supply you with all the resources required to effectively manage [...]
We are pleased to announce the updated outbreak management Pack. The aim of this Pack is to supply you with the IPC resources required to effectively manage an outbreak of viral gastroenteritis in your Care Home and reduce the spread [...]
We are pleased to announce the ‘IPC Cleaning schedule and record templates for General Practice’ is now available to purchase. This resource provides templates to support you in developing your cleaning schedules and records in accordance with CQC registration requirements [...]
We are pleased to announce the ‘IPC Cleaning schedule and record templates for Care Home settings’ is now available to purchase. This resource provides templates to support you in developing your cleaning schedules and records in accordance with CQC registration [...]
New leaflet Information leaflet for relatives and visitors Contact with friends and relatives is fundamental to the health and wellbeing of care home residents. This leaflet contains information to help prevent the spread of infection and supports safer visiting during [...]
Since publication of the 'IPC CQC inspection preparation Pack for General Practice' we have received several enquiries relating to the ‘Yellow’ classification of the ‘National colour coding for cleaning materials and equipment’. Further to discussion with colleagues at NHS Estates [...]