
We would recommend that a designated lead person checks the 'Contents list' on a monthly basis to ensure you are accessing the latest Policies.

All resources (1 - 10) of 21

An Introduction to the IPC Policies and Contents list for Domiciliary Care staff

An introduction, see below, to the 20 Policies describing the precautions and control measures that are essential to prevent and control infection in Domiciliary Care settings. To download the Policies, return to the previous Policy page where the Policies are...

Type: Policies

Audience: Domiciliary Care

BBVs (Blood-borne viruses) Policy for Domiciliary Care staff

Blood-borne viral infections are spread by direct contact with the blood of an infected person. The main blood-borne viruses of concern are: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus...

Type: Policies

Audience: Domiciliary Care

C. difficile (Clostridioides difficile) Policy for Domiciliary Care staff

Clostridioides difficile (formerly known as Clostridium difficile) affects mainly people aged over 65, although people of all ages can get it. The infection nearly always occurs in patients given antibiotics. Service users who have contracted Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile) infection are being...

Type: Policies

Audience: Domiciliary Care

Enteral tube feeding Policy for Domiciliary Care staff

Enteral tube feeding is a process where nutrition is delivered into an individual’s gastrointestinal tract via a nasogastric tube, a gastrostomy or a jejunostomy. This Policy has been produced for safe practice which will assist staff to reduce the risk...

Type: Policies

Audience: Domiciliary Care

Hand hygiene Policy for Domiciliary Care staff

Handwashing is the single most important way to prevent the spread of infection.  This Policy is one of the ‘Standard infection control precautions’ (SICPs) referred to by NHS England and NHS Improvement. Hand hygiene has a dual role to protect...

Type: Policies

Audience: Domiciliary Care

MDRO including ESBL and CPE Policy for Domiciliary Care staff

Some types of bacteria have developed resistance to many commonly used antibiotics, which can be passed on to other species of bacteria.  They are referred to as Multi-drug resistant organisms (MDRO), formerly known as Multi-resistant Gram-negative bacteria (MRGNB). A downloadable Community...

Type: Policies

Audience: Domiciliary Care

MRSA Policy for Domiciliary Care staff

MRSA stands for Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. This bacterium lives harmlessly on the skin and in the nose. MRSA is resistant to some of the commonly used antibiotics, such as flucloxacillin. A downloadable Community Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Policy which can be...

Type: Policies

Audience: Domiciliary Care

Patient placement and assessment for infection risk Policy for Domiciliary Care staff

This Policy is one of the ‘Standard infection control precautions’ (SICPs) referred to as 'Patient placement/assessment for infection risk' by NHS England and NHS Improvement. It is a requirement of the Health and Social Care Act 2008: Code of Practice on...

Type: Policies

Audience: Domiciliary Care

PPE (Personal protective equipment) Policy for Domiciliary Care staff

This Policy is one of the 'Standard infection control precautions' (SICPs) referred to by NHS England and NHS Improvement.  PPE helps protect both service users and staff from infection and is used for contact, droplet or airborne transmission based precautions...

Type: Policies

Audience: Domiciliary Care

Respiratory and cough hygiene Policy for Domiciliary Care staff

This Policy is one of the ‘Standard infection control precautions’ (SICPs) referred to by NHS England and NHS Improvement. Respiratory and cough hygiene can help reduce the risk of spreading respiratory (related to breathing) infections, protecting those in contact with...

Type: Policies

Audience: Domiciliary Care