The Leadership Summit and Regional Leadership Recognition Awards saw 200 Health and Social Care colleagues across the Yorkshire and Humber region connect, be inspired by new and emerging leadership talent, and learn from and with each other about leading in turbulent times.
A short video on what is included in the ‘Preventing Infection Workbooks’.
The event was held at the Holiday Inn Royal Victoria, Sheffield on 8th December 2016.
The Awards ceremony part of the day recognised the wide range of leadership talent across the Yorkshire and the Humber region. Staff were nominated by colleagues for one of nine categories. Almost 200 nominations were received in total.
The North Yorkshire Community Infection Prevention and Control Team were nominated for the ‘Clinical Team Outstanding Achievement Award’ and were delighted to be selected as a Finalist for this very prestigious Award.
It is often said that the NHS is not good at dissemination and spread, but this team is an exception to this rule
Judges comments
North Yorkshire Community Infection Prevention and Control
The NHS Community Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Team is based in North Yorkshire. Their ‘can do, will do’ attitude facilitates production of innovative IPC educational resources which improve IPC standards, assist with CQC registration and aim to help reduce the incidence of healthcare-associated infection (HCAI). The resources influence practice locally and nationally. Wherever providers are, the team are there to help.
Their highly acclaimed Preventing Infection Workbooks, draw upon evidence-based information and national guidance to inform IPC practice and reduce HCAI. Over 70,000 copies of the Preventing Infection Workbook for GP Practice, Care Homes and Domiciliary Care have been issued/sold to staff working for County Councils’ CCG’s Universities, training providers, as well as group and individual organisations across the UK. Their innovative IPC website www.infectionpreventioncontrol.co.uk is the first independent NHS IPC website in the country, a ‘one-stop-shop’ specifically for Health and Social Care providers that informs and promotes IPC.