Vida Hall in Harrogate is a specialist dementia care home. They wanted to ensure that they were achieving CQC compliance. CQC inspectors will look for evidence of IPC training on their compliance visit to a home. This extends to all staff groups. Compliance can be demonstrated in a number of ways, but however it is achieved, a care home should be able to evidence that they have focused on IPC training which focusses on the needs and vulnerabilities of their residents.
Ensuring staff follow policy and overseeing quality standards at all times through monitoring working practices, looking at outbreaks and management of these, access to PPE and use of this at all times in the correct areas, kitchen, laundry, household, IPC which in our environment is a massive challenge at times. And hand washing – both staff and visitors and residents! Audits are essential to oversee our practices.
Bernadette Mossman
Vida Hall Care Home
Vida Hall chose the ‘Preventing Infection Workbooks’ as a cost-effective way to assure managers that their staff practise the highest standards of infection control. Key staff are also required to attend the Quality in Infection Control (QIC) offered by Infection Prevention and Control and their partners at Harrogate District Hospital. The home also has a link practitioner who represents the home at other infection prevention home in IPC management issues. All this is supplemented by other Hospital and local events to keep up to date as well as face to face training sessions to ensure that the home’s comprehensive approach to IPC training not only “covers all the bases” but caters for a range of learning styles. Bernadette said, “The workbooks are easy to use and allow staff to have a tool to refer back to at all times. It is cost effective and this is important with all the other training commitments we have.”
Along with additional training from IPC, the workbooks have helped staff to learn and understand what CQC compliance entails and how to ensure that it is being met at all times.